Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oh The Rehearsals Continue...

Oh hello everyone!!!

Goodness, what a great day. This morning, I didn't roll out of bed until about 9:45. Can you believe that? I slept wonderfully in my new bed with my new roomies. Surprising the first night away from home wasn't bad at all.

A little surprise this morning--my room didn't get the memo that we were meeting 20 minutes earlier than the schedule said, so we were running out the door with make-up and hair brushes in hand, but after we managed to get situated, we climbed on two Columbus State buses (I got on the short bus!) and went to McDonalds to eat lunch. Oh so healthy. I was surrounded by girls ordering salads. I looked at the cashier and said, "Can I get a double cheese burger and some fries please?" Probably not the smartest decision I've ever made, but it was enjoyable.

After lunch at McDonalds, we went back to the theater for more rehearsals. We joined the teen contestants for opening number, which gets better and better every day! I can't wait for you all to see it. After a two hour rehearsal, it was time to eat again! (I like this week--we eat a lot!) We climbed into the buses to go to a little hotdog diner called Cooks. After eating, I debuted my fabulous singing ability via karaoke. Check out the video posted at the bottom.

After Cooks, we went back to the stage for more rehearsals. This time, each girl got to run her talent on stage. Wow, we have a huge group of amazingly talented girl. If you can attend the pageant, you are in for a treat. We actually got done with it all very quickly, and now we are back in the room.

Briana and I just went searching for the work out room and decided to return to the hostess room for pizza. She just tried to sabotage my swimsuit body though.. she took one piece. I was trying to pull two apart, and she made me take them both! HAHA! JK! We gave the other piece to Melissa! :) Roomie Love.
Oh, and we just tried to stick Melissa in a duffle bag. Check out the attempt.. HILARIOUS!

I'm about to take a shower and hit the sack. It's a long day tomorrow, but check out the pictures and lovely singing video.

Miss you all! Kimberly

PS The video will not work. SORRY! I'll try to get it up on my facebook soon!!!

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