Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Swimsuit is over! CALORIES HERE I COME!

Hey Hey!!!

Today started bright an early at 7:00 AM! Yuckie! Immediately, we reported to the stage for dress rehearsal. After running the show, we went to publix for lunch, which was super super yummy!!!

After Publix, we got to visit the Columbus Hospital and tour the High Risk Nursery. It was so amazing to see exactly where all the money raised for CMN goes. We also ate dinner at the hospital. The staff prepared us an AMAZING themed dinner, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" This was complete with crowns, necklaces, rings, and jewelry. Definitely the best so far.

After dinner, we got to run back to the apartments and straight to the theater to get ready for opening night!!!!

It was such an amazing time. I just competed in swimsuit, and I want to say thank you to everyone for their sweet messages and texts. They really mean so much to me. I wish I could send you all replies!!!!

The prelim winners were Christina McCauley (swimsuit), Kristina Higgins (talent), and Kristen Little (evening gown). All of the girls were just awesome!!! CONGRATS!!!

After the show was over, I finally got to see my family (including Scott and Mandy--my adopted fam!!) This was so much fun. I definitely needed it because I haven't really been able to talk to them much or see them all week. However, visitation was CRAZY!!! It was mass chaos to say the least.

I wish I could give more details, but I am absolutely exhausted and need to get some sleep.

More tomorrow!

PS. Tomorrow--I compete in talent and remember this:
Diamonds will ALWAYS be a girl's best friend!!!!

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